Right about now most people are up and prepping for a day of celebration that'll consist of mass quantities of eating, drinking, games and fireworks. Facebook is already getting slammed with posts wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th as well as a call to remember our service men and women who are out there protecting the freedoms we enjoy. But there's one thing that's missing, something far more important and critical to the reason why we celebrate this day in the first place.
I'll say it right now - we've lost the meaning of the 4th of July. I'm not talking about those street interviews where idiot teens and 20 somethings have no idea what the 4th of July means. I mean collectively we've failed to see the importance of this date. Somehow we've gotten to the point where we feel we're fulfilling our patriotic duty by merely posting photos of the American flag or saying thank you to our military personnel. Our freedoms are not just ensured by those who put themselves in harms way. Our freedoms are guaranteed by ALL of us.
When I was commissioned in the United States Army I gave an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign AND domestic. We are so fortunate that some of our men and women are willing to don the uniform, pick up a gun and fight and die for our freedoms against foreign enemies. As United States citizens we are obligated to pick up the fight here at home against the domestic enemies that threaten our way of life. I'm not just talking about the radicalized rag heads or the self-absorbed discontented who go on shooting rampages in order to get their 15 minutes of fame. I'm talking about those enemies that are willfully destroying our opportunities to purse life, liberty and happiness.
A Christian really can't call themselves a Christian unless they thoroughly read and study the bible and practice it's virtues. Similarly a United States citizen can't call themselves a citizen unless they read, study and practice the obligations set forth in our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address. Over two hundred years ago a bunch of folks on the east coast decided enough was enough and took over their country from a tyrannical government hell bent on exploiting and oppressing it's people. I fear in some ways we're being faced with a similar situation. We have a president that is clearly more concerned about the interest and well being of those people determined to destroy the safety and well being of this country. Most all of the elected individuals we've put our trust into are nothing more than self-serving, petty, immature children that feel compelled to indulge in their wants and desires at the expense of the people they are suppose to serve. Throwing temper tantrums and sit-ins, blocking legislation that would help citizens because someone else proposed it, shutting down government that's led to citizens losing their jobs, all because they got their egos bruised - is this truly government of the people, by the people and for the people?
Folks we have a responsibility to fight agains those who seek to oppress us. It's time we stood up to Washington and our so called leaders and say enough is enough. We need to stop this mob mentality that just goes with popular opinion, as determined by the media. We need to force our elected officials to force change. We need to put a leash on our congressmen and women as well as our president. We need to put people in office who aren't afraid to take a stand even if it offends someone. And as American we need to accept the responsibility of fighting for and demanding this freedom. It's no one else's fight but our own.
So for this 4th of July take a moment to not only
say thank you to a vet or knock back a few beers, but take the time to reflect on what it means to be an American and the responsibilities we ALL have in maintaining this country as it was intended. Our freedoms are not the responsibility of someone else. Freedom is something we all must fight for against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.