Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Doppel what? You know, your exact look-a-like. We all have at least one. Haven't you ever been out and seen someone that looked just like a friend or family member of yours? Of course, we all have. Makes for a quick bit of interesting conversation. Kinda weird to think there's someone out there that looks like me. Poor guy.

But the thought struck me, what kind of life does my look-a-like have? If I was a bettin' man I'd say its pretty different than mine. He could be more or less successful, more or less happy and content with life. With that being the case, doesn't it prove the point that looks don't really matter? If the one constant is our appearance yet we have dissimilar lives then looks really are insignificant. So why then do we spend so much time in front of the mirror? You women are the worst offenders. Trust me I speak from experience.

We're so enamored with the hot waitress or beefy fireman but what we're really attracted to is character. A nice rack or six pack abs will get someone's attention but it's who you are that makes a person fall in love with you. I'm overstating the obvious by saying spend less time in front of the mirror and more time on discovering who you really are and share THAT with those around you. Trust me a pretty face is a dime a dozen and easily forgotten. Don't believe me? Ok, you've got 5 seconds. Think of a hot guy or girl you met when you were 21. GO! You can't, can you? Now if you did think of someone I guarantee you there was something else about them other than their looks that left a lasting impression on you.

If you find yourself going out on a lot of first dates or your relationships don't last more than a season, I'd say you're fishing in the wrong pond using the wrong bait. So to hell with the starvation diets, body augmentations, the clothes and all the rest of your accessories. Accept the fact you are a beautiful person without all that crap. Breaking the mirror that berates you everyday won't cause you seven years of bad luck. On the contrary, it will set you free so you can express your REAL beauty.

Remember, your character matters more than your reflection.

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