The final episode of the series ran more like an epilogue. The not-so-subtle remarks about maintaining our personal freedoms in the face of an oppressive government certainly resonated with our current state of affairs. But the one thing that really stuck with me was a simple phrase uttered by the John Adams character as he was gazing upon some flowers, "Rejoice evermore." He repeated it several times and to me it's magnificent in it's simplicity and depth.

Your life is full of wonderful gifts but they're typically overshadowed by hardships. When bad things happen don't just assume life is miserable. Instead think of it as an attention grabber, something that's removing your blinders to help expose the inner strength you have to endure anything and the vision to see the good among the bad.
There truly is so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we just need to be quiet and calm and let the shroud of despair fall away so we can rejoice EVERMORE at the beauty that surrounds us.
Thanks for the eloquent reminder...