"So honey do you prefer your men in briefs or tighty whities?"
"Do you like having big boobs? I mean look at those things?"
"You are SOOO f-ing hot! Do you like older guys?"
Yes, those are all actual quotes uttered by local knuckle-draggers at this sports bar near my hotel. About the only thing that made listening to those morons tolerable was the way the young waitress bitch slapped them back to reality.
"You can't keep your wife happy, what makes you think you could do anything for me?"
BAM!!! Sit down a-hole!

I know these girls are mostly good sports about the crassness but deep down inside I know it's hurtful and it only goes to reinforce their perception that all men are pigs. Granted many of us are hogs but the lengths these young women go to earn a little more than a 10% tip is disheartening and down right degrading.
I blame the parents for much of this. For most of their lives these punks are encouraged to be the tough guy in the classroom and on the playing field and they are not expected to be held accountable for their personal actions. "Hey, my son just got a free ride to Nebraska, so what if he put your kid in a trash can."
Guys, neither the length of your penis nor the width of your wallet is a true measure of a man. Your respect and compassion towards others and your willingness to stand up for what's right in the face of adversity is the difference between being a man and a man-child. Grow the hell up and get a REAL pair. Be the person women adore and men respect. Anybody can be a punk. It takes personal strength and courage to be a real man.
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