When I first got back into photography I use to tag along on Julie's photo shoots as her second or as I like to say, her Sherpa. My duties were mostly to help pose her clients, look for wrinkled clothing, adjust out of place jewelry or chase down toddlers who were making a bee-line for the pond or the crashing surf. But every so often she would have me shoot, mostly the candid shots of the other family members just standing around while she was doing individual shots. This was one of my first and it was during a rather large family portrait session. I just happened to see the grandfather with his grandson as they were checking out the leaves and branches on a nearby tree. I'm not sure if this photo made the cut but for some reason it's been one of my favorites and not for it's photographic qualities which I think are kinda lacking. I don't know how often the two got time together and this may have only been one of just a few gatherings where the generations were together in one setting. Today I'm sure the little boy who is now grown has no recollection of the event and the grandfather may have since passed, but at least there was one moment in time when the two were together, both at different ends of their lives, sharing time and love with one another.
This weekend we lost Julie's father. I know I'm overstating the obvious when I say time is precious and we need to make the most of it, no matter how small. I just wanted to express how grateful I am for the time we had together even if it wasn't very long. I'm a richer person for knowing Jim and I'll always be eternally grateful to him for welcoming me into his family and his blessings to marry his daughter. Jim was and still is an amazing man of many virtues, none so great as the love he had for his family and friends. He will always remain in our hearts and prayers.
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