It's my belief that even if you have that big support group or that constant training/study partner, you're still performing on your own. Your side kick isn't doing those pushups for you nor is he or she carrying you across all those miles you're running. You're still doing those things on your own. Just you, the little demon voices in your head telling you to stop and your own resolve. Having someone by your side is nice but all they really represent is a distraction, a distraction from the misery that you're currently having to endure. And for some that's not necessarily a bad thing. Take parents for example. They can be going through all kinds of issues, both physical or emotional, but when there is child present they put most of that pain aside in order to deal with the child. When you're struggling through a workout it probably makes it a little easier for you knowing that someone else is suffering right along with you and that common bond is what can inspire and motivate you to continue.
So please don't get me wrong. Having someone there with you to encourage you along the way is a good thing. But what if they fail you? What if they turn away? Will you allow that to keep you from your goal? Don't ever be afraid to stand alone. Remember, being alone and being lonely are two different things. You should feel good being alone. Why the hell not? You're a good person and wouldn't you want to be hanging out with good people even if it's just you? I've said this before and I'm sure most of you have heard this elsewhere, if something is truly that important to you then you should be willing to do it on your own. Might as well get comfortable with being alone because you'll be standing alone on that victory stand.
Rock on!!
Marianne Williamson once said something like "If I can't stand to be alone with myself on a Saturday night, how can I expect anyone else to?" I guess the underlying message is Love Yourself - Louise Hay would agree. Thanks for "being the change..... " :-)