I remember back in the day when streaking was popular. Folks use to interrupt baseball or football games running around the field in all their glory. Camera crews use to follow these guys around the field until the cops or some big lineman drilled them into the ground. It wasn't long until the telecasters decided NOT to show these people interrupting the game. It was their feeling, over 30 years ago, not to dignify these morons by putting them on TV. Funny how when they stopped showing these guys running around the field that the streaking craze started to lose it's luster. And none too soon. Most of those streakers REALLY had no business being naked. Gaak!

Is it just me or are we experiencing the same "streaker" syndrome now? People are doing all kinds of crazy and hideous things that get televised but unlike years past, today's media hasn't quite figured out that they need to stop promoting these events. I'm not saying we need to ignore these stories. I'm saying we need to stop glorifying the criminals. Yes, media bitches, you GLORIFY criminals. And the more you do that the more criminals you create. As I've said before everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame. The media gives so much air time to these criminals that they're practically encouraging other demented freaks to commit their crimes against humanity just to get their moment of fame. All their lives they've felt put down, ignored, bullied, whatever. They want to be heard and the media is inviting them to lash out. Recently on some talk show someone challenged a representative of the media about how they are glorifying these serial killers by how they're reporting on them. The media gonk sniped back, "Well what are you saying? We should just not report on these crimes?" Wow, that's like my wife correcting me about leaving socks on the floor and I lash out at her "FINE! I'll NEVER wear socks again!!" Today's media just doesn't understand the concept of responsible reporting. They truly don't understand that when they try to focus our attention on the criminal rather than the crime they ARE glorifying and dignifying these people
When Psycho Orangehair decided to shoot up a theater in Aurora all the media wanted to do was post pictures and videos of this creature and report on his demented lifestyle because "we have a right to know." Hey, I think when we heard the first report of a lone gunman going into a theater shooting up the place that we all came to the conclusion that it was the work of some twisted piece of crap. I care very little of the individual who caused this tragedy. I care more for the victims and how the community is trying to recover but unfortunately today's news media doesn't share that same feeling. They're more interested in sensationalizing the crime in order to increase their ratings. The media will have you believe it's more important to interview a second grade classmate of this killer rather than focus on what happened and what's being done to recover and hopefully minimize another such attack.
It's obvious that today's journalism degrees don't include any classes in ethics or responsible reporting. Journalism is now of an art form, creating images and feelings rather than actual reporting. Just yesterday all the local news stations focused on the Aurora theater killer's change in hair color and new beard. Why are we even seeing images of this freak? Like the streaker of years past, this guy has no business getting any air time. I don't need to see a photograph, video or artist rendering of this creep. Report on the crime or don't report at all.
For once, Channel 2, 4, 7, 9 and 31, show some courage and make the commitment to responsible reporting. For once put ratings aside and show some dignity and integrity in what you do. Inform, not inflame.
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