Just the other day this little game popped into my head. I have no idea why. My mind usually races from one random thought to another. But any ways the question came to mind, "Would I rather be considered a loser or a quitter?" Hmm, an interesting choice. I think the choice for me would be pretty easy but I wonder what others might pick for themselves. I think some folks confuse the two options and I know many use them interchangeably when clearly they are not the same.

Now "Quitter" is another matter. To me it implies someone who started something but CHOSE not to finish. For some folks when things get too hard, when they encounter that first bit of resistance, when something or someone stands in their way they give up. Now don't confuse quitting with failing. The best way for me to distinguish between the two is that failing means you put everything on the line but failed to achieve your objective whereas with quitting you still have "gas in the tank" but choose not to go the distance. Sometimes you have to admit that a relationship or a job has run it's course and you need to move on. Accept that it didn't go as planned, that you put everything you had into it but it simply failed. Beware of quitting, though. Quitting is like a drug. You do it once and eventually it becomes easier and easier to do. After getting over that initial sting of shame, giving up on your dreams and ambitions becomes as easy as breathing. And like a drug it gets to the point where you depend on it. You'll eventually quit at nearly everything in
life - your job, your relationships, your faith, your integrity, the list goes on. Don't ever give up on something when you know deep down inside you still have so much more to put out there. Yeah I know, it takes a bit more courage and a willingness to endure a bit more pain but trust me that pain is nothing compared to the shame of just giving up.
So by all means call me a loser. Let me fail at every endeavor and let me come in last in every race. I will gladly embrace every loss as long as I don't have to live with being a quitter.
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