Saturday I get this little nasty gram from some law firm in Denver, I think it was Suck It, Screw You, and Blow Me & Associates. Apparently this esteemed gaggle of cut throats were contracted by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OTCA) to collect on unpaid toll violations. As you can imagine it pretty much got me all riled up considering the fact I haven't lived in So Cal since June of 2009 and this "violation" occurred last August. So this morning I called these blood sucking lawyers and I get the claims people who only wanted me to provide a credit card number in order to pay off this $90 bill. The guy really didn't want to hear my story, how I haven't lived there in years, that the violation happened last year and it wasn't even my car. Talk to the hand, a-hole, I just want your money. Oh, did I tell you? This was CLASSIC! The letter they sent me stated in no uncertain terms that I will NOT contact OCTA to try to adjudicate this mistake. Nope, I was meant to pay the bill and move on.
Whew! Dodged a bullet. But wait, just to make sure I call back the blood suckers to let them know what I discovered. Again, all this vampire wanted was my credit card and said I was still liable and would face additional charges if I didn't pay immediately. Even more pissed off than before, I called the OCTA again asking for a document I could shove, I mean, deliver to these misguided souls but they said it wasn't necessary, that they notify this law office every Monday whenever there is a mistake such as this and, again, just ignore it. Well, I'm going to blow this off for a couple weeks and will then follow up with another call to the law dogs to see what's up.
I guess the thing, among many, that really sets me off about this is that there's no accountability. All these lawyer clowns wanted was my money, they didn't want to hear a thing about fairness, justice or what's right. But hey, I've known that about many who work in the legal profession. The problem with most lawyers is they don't understand that just because something is legal doesn't make it right. These clowns would've collected my money without batting an eye. A week later the OCTA would've notified them of the mistake but do you think the lawyers would return my money? Oh HELL no! Or if they did they'd charge me a processing fee of $150, thus I would owe them an additional $60. Nope, more likely my money would've gone into their slush fund so when these folks make their annual boondoggle to Vegas they'll have plenty of cash for the strip clubs.
Am I being a bit harsh in my description of our community servants? Perhaps, but there's truth in within my inflammatory words. My experience with these protectors of the citizenry has been less than positive over the last 20 years and I'm more likely to encounter a bully than a buddy. I do know a couple lawyers who are honest and forthright and I have the utmost respect for them but unfortunately they seem to be the exception rather than the rule. And the OC cops I've had they unpleasant experience of meeting during the VERY rare moving violation were nothing more than thugs who took great pleasure in yelling, cursing and threatening me, all because they have a badge and a gun and I don't. Guys, sorry high school was such a rotten time for you but get over yourselves.
But hey, hold on now, there's that unexpected treat I was telling you about. So this afternoon I go to collect the mail and what do I find? A gift card from my local auto repair shop, with a hand written note thanking me not only for my business but for placing my trust in them to take car of my car. Wow, someone who really cares about their craft and their customers. I can't get over what a wonderful gesture that was. That was really going the extra mile when they really didn't have to. It does remind me that there are good people and businesses out there who truly do care not just about their bottom line but by those who influence it.... the customer. Well guys, I'll tell you right now I'll be taking my cars to you until that asteroid hits us this month or some other major catastrophic event that forces us to cruise around on horses or on foot. Maybe they'll go into the hoof and boot business. If so, I'll be their first customer.
Thank you, Roadmasters Auto & Tire Center of Northglenn, Colorado!
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