But there's a flip side to this horror. A story of collaboration and harmony. A partnership, if you will. My racing bike was one such partner. She carried me across 200 miles of the desert floor in Death Valley, a couple of Iron distance triathlons, several centuries, countless smaller triathlons and thousands of training miles all along the California coast. It was a very sad day indeed when I finally had to say good bye to my beloved friend.

It was several years ago when the years and miles finally caught up with my old friend. The wrist strap finally broke off and the repair shop had said they no longer carried that model and therefore had no spare parts. But with as much dignity as a watch could muster, he gracefully entered into retirement, serving as my trusty alarm clock for his remaining years. Again, never once failing me, he was true to the end. It was the other morning while I was on travel that he beeped his final beep. When I turned off the alarm his screen fluttered and then went blank. He could've passed on during the night but instead stayed by my bed side until it was time for me to get up and then.... he was gone. As part of this blog I wanted to show a picture of my friend and like a real trooper he was able to illuminate his face long enough for me to capture this picture.
He was the watch that all other watches were measured. He had all the right features and was simple to use. No other watch before or since has been so true and consistent. It's kinda hard to say goodbye. We'd been through so much together. Saying goodbye to him is like saying goodbye to a part of myself. Now before you go on making fun of me, keep in mind most of you guys have had that favorite power tool and many of you women have had that perfect blow dryer that today's appliances just don't quite measure up. My friend will be truly missed. Perhaps one day when I make my way back to Death Valley I'll take his remains with me, to experience one last time the glories of conquering life's challenges.
Farewell my friend!
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