Hey I'm back for an encore, sort of. Yeah, I knew I'd probably keep this thing going but it won't be a 365er, though. I figure I'll be posting throughout the week, mostly when the mood suits me. I'll still post photos as well because, well, I just like photos and I'm hoping to delve into some new and interesting techniques this year. Now just remember what your mama said, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything." My ego bruises easily. :-)

So I got some INCREDIBLE, awesome news last night but unfortunately I'm sworn to secrecy. A couple of you have already been "read on" but you CAN'T say anything online or comment about it until the info has been reclassified as "Public Information". Man, it's like watching your team come up at the bottom of the 9th, bases loaded, two outs, full count and your guy smacks a grand slam! What a way to end the year! Don't worry I'll fill you in later.
So what's more pathetic, that I was asleep long before the ball dropped in New York? Or that I was up early enough this morning that last night's partiers were still going strong? I think it's a toss but what the hell. Had a wonderful date night with my honey last night at the Hideaway Steakhouse. Just the way we like it...quiet, romantic, great food, great wine and wonderful company. Long before the big crowds arrived we scooted out for home, put on PJs and fell asleep to the TV, or at least I did. Sorry, guess I'm just not the party animal I use to be.
You know every new year always brings new adventures, challenges, joys, frustrations and excitements, all bundled up in a big old sack called "Blessings". I can only imagine what this year will bring. Funny, I don't usually get all excited about the new year but something feels different about this one. No matter what the year may bring I just hope I have the courage and gratitude to embrace each and every new day with enthusiasm and hope. If nothing else, I'll just raise my stein and give a hearty "PROST!" to life.
Happy New Year my friends. Let's get 2013 started!!!