The bell has rung to this New Year and life came out swinging like it was looking for a first round KO. Like a boxer that's been hit with a flurry of punches, we find ourselves slouched against the ropes just trying to catch our breath and clear our head. Luckily we've been given as many standing 8 counts as we need so no towels need to be thrown. Like a marathon, there are many miles to be run in this race of life. We may have stumbled out of the blocks but we've got plenty of time to get back into our race pace. It's been a rough start to 2013 but no sense in giving in just yet. I figure if life isn't throwing us a few punches now and then, then we're probably not living right. I know that God understands what we're feeling even if we can't seem to put it into prayer. Sometimes there's just nothing to say or more accurately, there are no words to express what's in our heart and in our head. It doesn't mean that God isn't listening or doesn't care. He's just standing there, holding our gloves, checking our eyes and waiting for us to step out. Come on, now! Lot of rounds to be fought, lot of miles to be run. This is just the beginning. Ding Ding!!
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