I'll admit I struggle at times to feel like I'm doing anything worthwhile. I see so many people flourishing in their careers, making things happen, making a difference. I know I've chirped about this before and I know there are plenty of other people out there that question their worth from time to time. It is nice, though, when those random moments come along when you can help someone out, not because there's money or notoriety to be gained but just because it's something that needs to be done and you're in a position to help. Such a moment presented itself today and I'm really glad I had the opportunity to step up. I'll be honest, what I did was something I enjoy doing so it wasn't like I had to make some HUGE sacrifice and believe me it wasn't so significant like curing cancer or rescuing orphans from a burning building. It would be nice if more opportunities like today presented themselves. It doesn't always have to be something like what I did though. It could pretty much be anything that's in my wheel house of talents. Oh, I did NOT just say "wheel house". Alright, my insecurities are starting to creep in a bit. I suppose the reason there aren't as many "good will" ops out there is that I probably push them away. I usually figure I don't have much to offer and therefore don't really look to see where I can be of some help. When I'm in my comfort zone I can be pretty tenacious when it comes to taking on a challenge. But I guess it takes real courage to step out of that comfort zone and do something even if I'm a bit lacking in the skills department. Like someone said, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Guess it's time for me to get uncomfortable...
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