Beware the comfort zone for it is the place where initiative, ambition, ingenuity, thought and creation go to die. You may feel some temporary contentment or even some relief from those things which challenge and torment you but it is a self-imposed prison to which you are the prisoner, guard and warden. No great thing ever came from a stagnant object. Creation requires movement. To sit and wait for life to happen is to allow life to pass you by. To be a part of life means to get in life's way, to insinuate yourself into the path of creation so you may be a part of it rather than a mere witness. You will find no peace from your struggles by lying in wait for relief that you yourself know will only come from your own resolve. To do nothing is to say that you have no faith in the strength that resides within you, the strength that you've been endowed with by the omnipresent power that protects you and loves you and wishes only for you to recognize your own magnificence. Step forth into the struggle, embrace those things which challenge you and know that they are only doorways to a better version of youself.
How many frickin' times do I have to tell you that?
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