Sifting through a stack of unwanted and some unanticipated bills quickly got me to fretting over my financial predicament and certainly helped to sour my mood. With the arrival of a horse this spring, two graduations and a wedding, not to mention some family trips sprinkled here and there my ability to figure out financially how to get from here to there is becoming a bit more difficult. Yeah, when it comes to money it's easy for me to become Baron Von Meisterworry and all I want to do is pull on my jackboots and start kicking someone's ass. I think it goes back to when I was about five years old and I insisted that my folks show me how to use a checkbook because even at that age I worried about some day having to pay bills and what not. That first little life lesson planted the seed of angst over finances that blooms every time I sit by the computer to pay my bills. No matter how much I spout off the power of positive thoughts it's easy for me to slip into that pity party pool of mine. But you know every month we get by. Every time I feel like there's no way out there's always a ledge to grasp or a rope to hold onto. I do need to remind myself that the hardships we face in life are really only opportunities to focus on the here and now. We shouldn't have to look upon a bad situation with despair, ready to give up. Instead we just need to pay attention to what's at hand so that those little life preservers that will help us through our dilemma are easy to recognize. That big, tall, and ominous looking mountain may make me weak in the knees but as long as I concentrate on that next boulder or that next little ledge I'll eventually make my way to the top and the gratification of overcoming my burden will surly outweigh the dread I felt when I started my little adventure.
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